A classmate didn't have an ammeter. He had a power supply voltmeter. The rheostat setting resistance R0 resistance was known. How to measure the small lamp with known rated voltage Experimental circuit diagram experimental steps need to measure the physical quantities and calculation formula! Hurry!

A classmate didn't have an ammeter. He had a power supply voltmeter. The rheostat setting resistance R0 resistance was known. How to measure the small lamp with known rated voltage Experimental circuit diagram experimental steps need to measure the physical quantities and calculation formula! Hurry!

Steps: 1. Connect the power supply, sliding rheostat, setting resistor R0 and bulb in series. 2. Connect the voltmeter to the bulb in parallel. 3. Connect the circuit and adjust the sliding rheostat so that the voltage indication is the rated voltage of small bulb U4. Remove the voltmeter and connect it to R0 in parallel. 5. Record the voltage indication u06

The power supply voltage is 6V and remains unchanged. The resistance value of resistance R is 30ohm. The resistance value of sliding rheostat R1 varies from 0 to 24ohm. The range of ammeter is 0.6A
The minimum allowable modulation value of sliding rheostat access circuit is --- Ω? If I can't do it, I'll be criticized tomorrow

This is actually limited by the range of the ammeter
The minimum value can be adjusted to 10 Ω. If it is smaller, the ammeter will be out of range

There are a battery pack, an ammeter, a switch, a sliding rheostat whose maximum resistance value is known as R, a resistor RX whose resistance value is unknown and several sections of wire on the experimental table. Please use these devices to try to measure the resistance value of Rx (the ammeter can only be connected at the same position). (1) please draw the circuit diagram for measuring Rx. (2) write out the expression for calculating Rx: Rx=______ .

(1) Experimental circuit design: connect the sliding rheostat and the resistance to be measured in series, slide the slide to the position of maximum resistance and zero resistance respectively, read out the current representation twice, and list the equations according to Ohm's law to calculate the resistance value of resistance Rx. The circuit diagram is shown in the following figure: (2) experimental steps: ① sliding rheostat

If the supply voltage U remains unchanged, the current indication is 2a, and the resistance of R1 and R2 in parallel is r
And R1: R2 = 4:3, the power consumed by resistance R2 is 2.5W, then the resistance of R2 is?

Because R1: R2 = 4:3, I1: I2 = 3:4
Because I = I1 + I2 = 2A, I2 = 8 / 7a
R2 = 2.5 / (8 / 7) ^ 2 = 245 / 128 Ω