How to make three blades of windmill model I plan to make a windmill model. Now, the blade is cut according to the size, but how can the blade of the plane be fixed?

How to make three blades of windmill model I plan to make a windmill model. Now, the blade is cut according to the size, but how can the blade of the plane be fixed?

Use a circle to fix and stick it. Remove the circle

There is a windmill in the park, each blade is 10m long. Xiaoming imitates this windmill and makes a model, which is the ratio of the length of its blade to that of the original one
It's 1:200. What's the length of each blade of the windmill model?

10 divided by 200 = 0.05 (m) 0.05 M = 5cm answer: 5cm

Can wind energy be called mechanical energy
Can wind energy and water energy be called mechanical energy? Is thermal energy the same as internal energy, and can they transform each other? What energy does mechanical energy contain?

1 is true
Heat energy seems to be said from a macro perspective, while internal energy is said from a micro perspective
They can transform each other
Water energy and wind energy belong to mechanical energy

What can wind make the leaves shake? Why can it? Isn't wind energy converted into mechanical energy? But the answer is "mechanical energy transfer"?
And "wind energy into mechanical energy, right?" My junior high school physics textbook has the concept of wind energy! And I read the concept description of wind energy, in fact, the essence also belongs to the kinetic energy of mechanical energy. But why is it often mentioned in exercises that wind energy is converted into mechanical energy or other energy, while this problem is mechanical energy transfer. What a fool!

In fact, wind energy is the kinetic energy (or mechanical energy) of the air. The so-called kinetic energy is the energy of an object because of its motion. Air generates wind because of its motion. Therefore, wind energy is the kinetic energy (or mechanical energy) of the air. The shaking of leaves by wind is the transfer of mechanical energy, not the conversion of energy
It seems that there is no wind energy in the physical concept, kinetic energy, potential energy, internal energy (heat energy), electric energy, light energy
Wind is also a kind of mechanical energy, so it is the transfer of mechanical energy
It may be said that wind power generation is the conversion of wind energy into electric energy, that is, the conversion of mechanical energy into electric energy
But the relationship between wind energy and mechanical energy is not transformation, but transfer, different energy can be called transformation!
The same energy is only transferred. For example, kinetic energy can be transformed into potential energy or mechanical energy. But it can not be said that mechanical energy is transformed into mechanical energy!