This paper analyzes the reasons of abundant hydropower resources in Three Gorges hydropower station and Longtan Hydropower Station

This paper analyzes the reasons of abundant hydropower resources in Three Gorges hydropower station and Longtan Hydropower Station

The first is the large terrain drop
Second, there is plenty of water

After the completion of the Three Gorges hydropower station, the installed capacity will reach 18.2 million kilowatts. What is the ultimate source of this power

It comes from the gravitational potential energy of water brought by the water level of more than 170 meters. Further speaking, these water will not go up to more than 170 meters by themselves. They go up through precipitation, and the precipitation water eventually comes from various evaporation, and the energy required for evaporation comes from the sun, so the most fundamental source of these electric energy is the energy released by nuclear fusion carried out by the sun

1. If the water flow of the waterfall is 7.5 M & sup3 / s, the water will enter the hydro generator after falling 30 m, and 80% of the water flow energy will be converted into electric energy, what is the power generation
2. The iron ball and aluminum ball with the same volume are placed on the horizontal table, the iron ball is still, and the aluminum ball is moving. Why can't the mechanical energy of the two balls be compared?

Question 1: according to the law of conservation of energy, the energy of water is composed of potential energy (EP) and kinetic energy (EK). When the water flows from high to low into the turbine, the potential energy and kinetic energy of the water flow are transformed into the mechanical energy of the turbine. The rotation of the turbine drives the rotation of the hydro generator, which converts the mechanical energy of the turbine into electrical energy, Efficiency (b) can not reach 100%, and some energy loss will inevitably occur. Water energy can be calculated by Bernoulli equation. If you can't understand, you can find me alone for the specific calculation process. Now I directly give the calculation formula: generator power P = 9.81qhb = 9.81x7.5x30x0.8 = 1766kw
The kinetic energy depends on the mass and velocity of the object, while the gravitational potential energy depends on the mass and height of the object. On the same horizontal plane, the height of the iron ball and the aluminum ball is equal. Although the volume is equal, the mass of the two balls is not equal because of their different densities, Therefore, the gravitational potential energy of the iron ball is greater than that of the aluminum ball. However, the kinetic energy of the two can not be determined (you can see by listing the formula), so the mechanical energy of the two can not be compared

What are the types of small turbine? How to calculate the power of turbine?
1. How to choose the type?
2. How to calculate the power?

There are mixed flow type, bucket type, oblique strike type, double-click type. Axial flow type can also be used in low head and large flow. The simple calculation is as follows: flow x drop x gravity acceleration X efficiency
Discharge = m3 / s drop = m acceleration of gravity = constant = 9.8 efficiency is generally taken as 0.7