What is energy, such as light energy, electric energy, etc Is energy matter

What is energy, such as light energy, electric energy, etc Is energy matter

A physical quantity that measures the motion of matter. Corresponding to different forms of motion, energy is divided into mechanical energy, intramolecular energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, atomic energy, etc
Energy is the quantitative transformation of material movement. All things in the world are constantly moving. Among all the properties of material, movement is the most basic, Other attributes are the specific performance of motion attributes. For example: space attribute is the extensive ductility of material motion; time attribute is the persistence of material motion; gravitational attribute is the reflection of interaction caused by uneven mass distribution in the process of motion; electromagnetic attribute is the external performance of charged particles in the process of motion and change; etc For each specific form of material motion, there is a corresponding form of energy, For example, the energy form corresponding to the mechanical motion of macro objects is kinetic energy; the energy form corresponding to the molecular motion is thermal energy; the energy form corresponding to the atomic motion is chemical energy; the energy form corresponding to the directional motion of charged particles is electrical energy; the energy form corresponding to the photon motion is light energy; and so on, The motion characteristics of two objects can be described and compared by some physical or chemical quantities. For example, two objects in mechanical motion can be described and compared by velocity, acceleration, momentum and other physical quantities; two currents in directional motion can be described and compared by current intensity, voltage, power and other physical quantities, The only physical quantity that can describe and compare the motion characteristics of two substances is energy, that is, energy characteristics are the common characteristics of all moving substances, and energy scale is the general scale to measure all motion forms. Therefore, a new philosophical definition of energy can be made. Energy: the unified objective scale to measure the motion scale of all substances

How many kinds of energy can you think of? Such as light energy, heat energy, electricity, nuclear energy

From the physical point of view, a form of motion corresponds to a form of energy. Mechanical motion corresponds to mechanical energy (kinetic energy, potential energy); the form of motion of molecules in an object corresponds to internal energy (traditionally known as heat energy); the form of motion of free charges in a conductor corresponds to electric energy; in the composition of matter, the interaction of outer electrons and the sharing of electrons are equivalent, It corresponds to chemical energy, energy level transition of matter electrons, corresponding to light energy, or electromagnetic energy, and nuclear energy (atomic energy) corresponding to the form of interaction between nucleons in atomic nucleus. As for geothermal energy, tidal energy, wind energy, solar energy, electric field energy, magnetic field energy and so on, they are just a description of energy from other angles

Can solar energy and electric energy become energy?
Energy is a substance, solar energy, electric energy is just a form of energy or energy
Can solar energy and electric energy be called energy?

The reason why the sun has energy is the quality of the sun itself, so strictly speaking, the sun is energy
Electric energy is generally stored in the form of chemical substances (battery liquid), so electricity as energy is actually the chemical substances that store electric energy
The sun and battery can be energy, but solar energy and electric energy can only be called energy
Energy is the source and birthplace of energy

Isn't electricity a secondary energy source? Why do solar cars convert solar energy into electricity instead of other energy first?

Primary energy is a kind of energy resource existing in the original form in nature, which is not processed and converted. It is also called natural energy. Secondary energy refers to the energy obtained from the processing and conversion of primary energy. It is obvious that electricity belongs to secondary energy. The working principle of solar car is that the solar panels on the car first convert the solar energy into electric energy, and then the electric energy drives the car, That is, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy. Solar panels use its photovoltaic effect to convert solar radiation energy into electrical energy, and then electrical energy is converted into energy of other situations. If solar energy can be converted into energy of any situation at will, the development of solar energy will be more simple and extensive