Can we say that when a small light bulb emits light, it converts electric energy into heat energy

Can we say that when a small light bulb emits light, it converts electric energy into heat energy

We know that incandescent lamps emit light from tungsten atoms. The principle of tungsten atom emission is as follows. After being electrified, tungsten atoms continue to receive energy. Inside the atoms, the atoms begin to become unstable, specifically the nucleus

What is the internal energy of physics? What kind of electrical appliances convert electric energy into internal energy?

Internal energy is heat energy, such as light bulb, induction cooker, etc

Can internal energy be converted into electric energy

This is called thermoelectric conversion, such as Seebeck effect
Thermocouple is a temperature sensor which converts temperature into voltage (thermoelectromotive force) by Seebeck effect
With the keywords of "thermoelectric conversion" or "Seebeck effect", you can find articles about the detailed principle

What does a light bulb rely on to turn electrical energy into light and heat energy?

The electric current passes through the filament (tungsten) and produces a lot of heat. The filament is very hot. When it reaches incandescent state, it will emit light