() are all a light energy B heat energy c electric energy converted from other forms of energy

() are all a light energy B heat energy c electric energy converted from other forms of energy

Option D: chemical energy

Please give an example of direct conversion of light energy into mechanical energy

The phenomenon that metals and their compounds emit electrons under electromagnetic radiation is called photoelectric effect, and the emitted electrons are called photoelectrons. Photoelectric effect shows that light energy can be directly converted into mechanical energy, that is, the kinetic energy of photoelectrons
The direct conversion of light energy into mechanical energy is mainly realized by the deformation of the material itself, which is usually manifested as the shrinkage of the material

An example of the conversion of mechanical energy into light energy
To be specific, life examples

Life example is very good, a hand generator connected to a wire connected to a small bulb, that is, mechanical energy into light energy
Light energy into mechanical energy, life also has, such as microwave oven, light oven, solar water heater, etc
Irradiating objects with strong light to make them expand is light energy

Examples of conversion of mechanical energy into light energy
Note: it is mechanical energy converted into light energy, not light energy converted into mechanical energy

It can't be transformed directly! It needs to be transformed twice!