Is the work done by electrostatic and non electrostatic forces equal in a power supply?

Is the work done by electrostatic and non electrostatic forces equal in a power supply?

The work done by the non electrostatic force is greater than that by the electrostatic force
The non electrostatic force overcomes the electric field force, so that electrons can accumulate from the positive pole of the power supply to the negative pole of the power supply, thus accumulating electric energy. In this process, the work done by the electrostatic force is overcome, so the work done by the electrostatic force is less than that done by the non electrostatic force

The work done by electric field force is the work done by electrostatic force?

Electrostatic force is the force of electric field, and the work of electrostatic force is the work of electrostatic force on the charge, which is similar to the work of gravity: it has nothing to do with the path. It is determined by the potential difference between two points of charge movement, that is, w = Qu

Work done by electrostatic force in power supply

You are asking about the power consumption when the power supply has input voltage but no load
First of all, when any transformer is working, the output power is high

Rated power of motor
The required power calculated by the course design is 5.093kw, and the rated power is 5.5kW. When calculating the input and output power of each shaft, is the output power of the motor 5.5 or 5.093

In colloquial, the rated power is the power that the motor can carry the maximum load
When there is no load, the no-load power of the motor is generally 30% ~ 50% of the rated power
The power added on this basis is the actual power