What is the unit and significance of specific heat capacity?

What is the unit and significance of specific heat capacity?

3. Definition of specific heat capacity: the heat absorbed (released) when the temperature of a substance increases (decreases) by 1 ° C per unit mass A. unit: J / (kg ﹥ 8226; ° C) read as: l joule per kilogram centigrade B. symbol: C, for example: C water = 4.2 × 103 J / (kg ﹥ 8226; ° C) C

What is the material with the largest specific heat capacity?

Maximum: water
Specific heat capacity C: the specific heat capacity of a substance per unit mass when the temperature rises by 1 ℃
Specific heat capacity is one of the characteristics of material, unit: coke / (kg ℃). The specific heat capacity of water in common material is the largest
C water = 4.2 × 103 joules / (kg ℃): 4.2 × 103 joules / kg ℃
Physical meaning: it means that the mass of water is 1kg, the heat absorbed by 1 ℃ is 4.2 × 103 coke

What is the relationship between specific heat capacity and matter

Specific heat capacity is the internal energy absorbed or released by a unit mass object when the unit temperature changes. It is usually expressed by the symbol C
The specific heat capacity can be calculated by the formula C = q / m Δ t
But it can only be used for calculation, it can't be said that the specific heat capacity is related to the change of mass and temperature
Specific heat capacity is an attribute of matter, which is related to the type and state of matter (for example, the specific heat capacities of ice and water are different)