The relationship between electric heating and electric power: electric heater: q = W. other electrical appliances: Q () w to protect the safety of equipment, prevent excessive current, prevent short circuit, To prevent poor contact, what else to prevent

The relationship between electric heating and electric power: electric heater: q = W. other electrical appliances: Q () w to protect the safety of equipment, prevent excessive current, prevent short circuit, To prevent poor contact, what else to prevent


Excuse me, are electrical appliances with high resistance more powerful?

This is not necessarily the product of the square of the current and the resistance. The higher the power, the smaller the resistance

Is the greater the resistance, the greater the electrical power

P = UI = square of voltage divided by resistance. When the voltage is equal, the internal resistance is different. The smaller the internal resistance is, the greater the power is. It's like you are going to have a 15W 4R speaker and a 15W 16r speaker to choose in the market. According to the formula, 15W 4R speakers have better sound quality. Hey hey, the role of resistance in electronic applications is to block the current and voltage, reduce or shunt the current and voltage,

According to the formula P = UI, the electric power has nothing to do with the resistance of the conductor
And explain that "the household light bulb is" 220v40w "and the automobile light bulb" 12v40w "have the same p when they normally emit light, but their resistance is different."

In resistance circuit: P = UI
But I = u / R
So p = UI = u * U / R
That is to say, when u is constant, the smaller R is, the greater P is?
The resistance of 220 V 40 W bulb is 220 * 220 / 40 = 1210 Ω
The resistance of 12V 40W bulb is 12 * 12 / 40 = 3.6 Ω