In 50 seconds, if the amount of charge passing through a conductor is 20 Coulomb and the work done by the current is 120 joules, then the current passing through the conductor is 20 Coulomb_________ Ampere, conductor

In 50 seconds, if the amount of charge passing through a conductor is 20 Coulomb and the work done by the current is 120 joules, then the current passing through the conductor is 20 Coulomb_________ Ampere, conductor

0.4 6

What does Coulomb have to do with Joule?

According to the formula:
The units are:
Joule, Coulomb, volt
So it is:
1 joule = 1 Coulomb × 1 volt

What is the power consumption of the resistor? How long is the power on time

so U = 120/20 =6V
I = U/R = 6/6 = 1A
P=UI =6W
t=Q/I = 20s