The meaning of 1KW Power 1KW is not electric power

The meaning of 1KW Power 1KW is not electric power

No matter what kind of force, the work is the same unit, which can be converted to each other. You must know that the power P = f * v. then, 1kW is to use the force of 1000N to push the object to move at the speed of 1mgs. At this time, the power is 1000W or 1kW. Of course, you can give other examples like me, as long as you know the formula, in addition to mechanics and electricity, Heat, optics, etc. have similar formulas to give you intuitive concepts

What is the definition of current
On the definition of charge quantity

Definition: (1) the motion of the charge in the medium. The direction of the current is opposite to that of the electron. (2) the electric quantity flowing through a given cross section of a conductor divided by the corresponding infinitesimal time

Concept analysis of circuit diagram
Circuit diagram, block diagram, printed board diagram, assembly diagram
Wiring diagram, logic diagram, flow chart
What is their concept? Is there any difference? How to distinguish?

Circuit diagram, mainly resistance, triode and other principles, describes the principle of the circuit block diagram, should be in front of the circuit diagram, describes the general principle, the circuit is a subdivision of the printed circuit board diagram, this is related to the PCB assembly diagram, is your board how to assemble the wiring diagram, it seems needless to say, is how to wiring