There were 8 sandstorms in 1960's, 7 / 4 in 1980's and 16 / 7 in 2001-2004 in the new century. How many sandstorms occurred in 2001-2004?

There were 8 sandstorms in 1960's, 7 / 4 in 1980's and 16 / 7 in 2001-2004 in the new century. How many sandstorms occurred in 2001-2004?

8 * 7 / 4 * 16 / 7 = 32 times

1. When the Panda Club in the forest fruit store kept accounts, it found that 100 yuan was missing. He found that a number on a receipt was polluted, which became ■ 52.72 yuan. The person who handled the receipt said: "at the beginning of the month, 72 people came to buy peaches, each of them bought the same amount of peaches and paid the same amount of money. I wrote a receipt after calculating the total amount of money, which was accidentally soiled. The polluted number was 1, This is 152.72 yuan. "How much should this account be?
2. A vendor went to the village to sell red dates and said, "you can exchange 1 kilogram of rice for 0.6 kilogram of red dates." Granny Wang carried a basket of rice, and the vendor called it 5 kilogram. Granny Wang didn't know the weight of the basket. The vendor said, "it's too troublesome to weigh the basket again. I'll just give you 0.6 × 5 = 3 (kilogram) of the basket and red dates." Granny Wang agreed, As soon as he calculated, Granny Wang suffered a loss. Why?
You don't need the formula, but you have to have the result

1. When the Panda Club in the forest fruit store kept accounts, it found that 100 yuan was missing. He found that a number on a receipt was polluted, which became ■ 52.72 yuan. The person who handled the receipt said: "at the beginning of the month, 72 people came to buy peaches, each of them bought the same amount of peaches and paid the same amount of money. I wrote a receipt after calculating the total amount of money, which was accidentally soiled. The polluted number was 1, This is 152.72 yuan. "How much should this account be?
72 people, each with the same amount of money, the total amount of money must be divided by 72
From 152.72 to 952.72, only 252.72 can be divided by 72
Therefore, the money should be: 252.72 yuan
2. A vendor went to the village to sell red dates and said, "you can exchange 1 kilogram of rice for 0.6 kilogram of red dates." Granny Wang carried a basket of rice, and the vendor called it 5 kilogram. Granny Wang didn't know the weight of the basket. The vendor said, "it's too troublesome to weigh the basket again. I'll just give you 0.6 × 5 = 3 (kilogram) of the basket and red dates." Granny Wang agreed, As soon as he calculated, Granny Wang suffered a loss. Why? How to avoid a loss?
Because in this 5kg, there is not only the weight of rice, but also the weight of basket
If the basket weighs 0.1kg, then the rice has 4.9kg. According to this idea, it is 4.9 × 0.6 = 2.94kg. This is Granny Wang's due jujube weight, and the weight of the basket is 3.04kg
Then according to the vendor's idea, 0.6 can be understood as the rice and jujube yield, multiplied by 5 is a specific quantity. Just said that in this 5kg, there is not only the weight of rice but also the weight of basket, so the number 3 has the weight of five baskets
Simply put, 3.04 is bigger than 3
So it was Granny Wang who suffered

Tell me to do two fifth grade math problems?
1. Put 160 oranges and 120 apples in several bags respectively, so that the number of oranges in each bag is equal to the number of apples. How many bags can be divided at most? How many fruits are there in each bag?
2. The average of the four numbers is 18. If one of the four numbers is changed to 25, then the average of the four numbers is 20. What is the changed number?
If you don't understand the problem, please see the second sub problem of the sixth problem on page 14 and the eighth problem on page 28

The greatest common factor of them is 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 = 40
So you can pack up to 40 bags, each bag of oranges: 2 × 2 = 4, apples: 3
When one of the numbers is changed to 25, the four numbers are increased by (20-18) × 4 = 8, so the number is 25-8 = 17

1. The goods transported by car a and car B are 10.5 tons. The goods transported by car a are 1 / 2 (half) tons less than that of car B. how many tons of goods are transported by car a and car B respectively?
2. A trapezoidal field with 29 meters at the top, 52 meters at the bottom and 10 meters high is planted with rape. The plant spacing is 0.2 meters and the row spacing is 0.27 meters. How many rape plants can be planted in this field?
Note: to be specific,

(1) Let party a transport x tons and Party B transport y tons
(2) (29 + 52) * 10 / 2 = 405 M2
0.2 * 0.27 = 0.054 M2
405 / 0.054 = 7500 plants