How to divide the fifth grade

How to divide the fifth grade

Reduction is the process of dividing the numerator and denominator by their common factor while keeping the value of the fraction unchanged
When the numerator and denominator are divided by their greatest common factor at the same time, the fraction obtained is the simplest fraction
24 / 36 = 12 / 18 = 4 / 6 = 2 / 3 this process is reductive, but 2 / 3 is the simplest fraction

Find several fifth grade decimal division formula, equation, and division equation applications

Calculation problem. (30 points) 1. Vertical calculation. (6 points) & # 8197; 2.091 △ 1.02 = 1.5 △ 0.045 = (expressed by commercial circulation decimal) 2. Out of form calculation, simple calculation is needed. (12 points) & # 8197; 21 △ 0.25 △ 0.43.5 × 0.7 + 5.5 × 0.7 + 0.70.125 × 3.2 × 0.250.2 × 9.9 + 0.13, solving equation

What is the difference between positive and negative numbers?

The essence is to compare with 0, positive number is larger than 0, negative number is smaller than 0

What's the difference between positive and negative numbers

Positive number: a number greater than 0
Negative number: a number less than 0