Write the natural number n to the right of any natural number (for example, if 2 is written to the right of 34, it is 342). If all the new numbers can be divisible by N, Then the natural number n is called magic number. Please calculate, how many magic numbers are there within 1000

Write the natural number n to the right of any natural number (for example, if 2 is written to the right of 34, it is 342). If all the new numbers can be divisible by N, Then the natural number n is called magic number. Please calculate, how many magic numbers are there within 1000

There are 13 numbers in total: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 125, 200, 250, 500, 1000. Any one of these 13 numbers is placed on the right side of any (Note: "any"!) natural number, and the new number can be divided by the number

Help to do a problem: write the natural number n on the right side of any natural number. If the new integer can be divided by N, then n is called magic number. How many magic numbers are there in natural numbers less than 1996?

If the natural number on the left is 1, there are 14 magic numbers in the natural number less than 1996, which are 1-2-5-10-20-25-50-100-125-200-250-500-1000-1250; if the natural number on the left is 2