I like monkeys

I like monkeys

I like monkeys.

English translation
"All staff sincerely wish the new couple a happy marriage"
How to translate into English? The basic meaning is, but it must be accurate, or it will make a joke
I'm sorry. Is it OK with the Grand Hotel?
Is the hotel staff sincerely wish the new marriage happy

Several people upstairs have even reversed the subject and object
We all the staff send our best wishes for your/the new couple's happy marriage.

English translation
And (1) the matter itself is not important. (2) I visited my aunt myself last week
And most of these students go to school by bike

The old man taught himself English
【The old man taught himself English.】
(1) It doesn't matter in itself
【The thing itself is not important.】
(2) I went to visit my aunt myself last week
【I went to visit her aunt last week】
Most of these students go to school by bike
【Most of these students go to school by bike】

The old man said he was tired

The old man said he was very tired.