The carrying capacity of a truck is 5.5 tons. How many times does it take to transport 48 tons of sand?

The carrying capacity of a truck is 5.5 tons. How many times does it take to transport 48 tons of sand?

9 times

The carrying capacity of a truck is 5.5 tons, and it needs to transport 36 tons of sand?

36 \ / 5.5 ≈ 6.54 (Times) ≈ 7 (Times) because the times can only be positive integers, and the six times can not be completed, so the seven times

A pair of sand weighs 480 tons. Five cars with the same carrying capacity will transport 25% of the sand five times. The rest will be transported by 15 cars. How many more times

This question: five vehicles transported 480x25% five times, that is 120 tons
Let the rest be transported by 15 same cars, and Y times more
So 15y = 480-120
Y = 24 times
A: the rest will be transported by the same 15 cars and will be transported 24 times
I hope you will be satisfied with my answer

A pile of sand weighs 1516 tons. It takes 25 tons to use______ T, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;) of the total number left

1516 × 25 = 0.375 (tons), 1-25 = 35. A: 0.375 tons is used, and 35% is left