Car a and car B transport a pile of coal together. At the end of the transport, car a transport 715 tons more than car B, 12 tons more than car B. how many tons did car a transport?

Car a and car B transport a pile of coal together. At the end of the transport, car a transport 715 tons more than car B, 12 tons more than car B. how many tons did car a transport?

Suppose that there are x tons of coal in total, we can get: X - (715x + 12) / (1 + 12) = 715x + 12 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; x-1445

A 4 cm thick layer of sand is laid on a 45 m long and 28 m wide rectangular land. Q: a car transports 1.5 cubic meters of sand each time,
Less times
How many times does it take a car to transport 1.5 cubic meters of sand at least

4 cm = 0.04 m, 45 × 48 × 0.04 divided by 1.5 = 58

How many cubic meters of sand do you need to lay a layer of 5 cm thick sand on a rectangular ground 50 meters long and 30 meters wide? How many times do you need to transport 2.5 cubic meters of sand each time by a car?

5cm = 0.05m
Requirement: 50 × 30 × 0.05 = 75m3
2.5 cubic meters per delivery
At least: 75 △ 2.5 = 30 times

How many cubic meters of sand does it take to lay a layer of 6 cm thick sand on a 28 meter long and 15 meter wide rectangular ground? How many times does it take for a car to transport 1.8 cubic meters of sand each time?

14 times