How to calculate the freight of large trucks

How to calculate the freight of large trucks

1. Heavy goods shall be calculated at? Yuan / ton;
2. Light pickled goods are calculated as per RMB / M & sup 3
3. T /

How to rent a car to transport 62 tons of goods from land a to land B? Large trucks can transport 10 tons each time and the freight is 200 yuan; small trucks can transport 4 tons each time and the freight is 95 yuan
Calculation with the method of chicken and rabbit in the same cage

The freight per ton of large trucks is: 200 / 10 = 20 yuan / ton, the freight per ton of small trains is: 95 / 4 = 23.75 yuan / ton. Therefore, large trucks should be used as far as possible. Up to six large trucks can be used to transport 60 tons. The remaining 2 tons of a small truck is enough. The cost: 200 * 6 + 95 = 1295 yuan. Due to the remaining space, it is necessary to consider that five large trucks will