There were two trucks carrying 4800 kg of apples, each of which contained 40 cases. How many kg were loaded in each case?

There were two trucks carrying 4800 kg of apples, each of which contained 40 cases. How many kg were loaded in each case?

4800 ﹣ 2 ﹣ 40 = 60 (kg), a: 60 kg per box

The cost of apples is 2 yuan and 40 cents per kilogram, and that of peaches is 1 yuan and 40 cents per kilogram,
If you sell an average of 2 yuan per kilogram, you can earn 20 yuan. How many kilograms do you sell?

A total of 2 * 50 = 100 yuan, the cost is 100-20 = 80 yuan
If all of them are peaches, the cost is 1.4 * 50 = 70 yuan, and the less 10 yuan is the cost difference between apples and peaches. Therefore, apple 10 / (2.4-1.4) = 10kg and peach 50-10 = 40kg
If the apple is XKG, the peach is 50-xkg
Apple 10 kg, peach 40 kg

The fruit market transported 5.4 tons of apples, 0.3 tons less than 3 times of pears?


The fruit market has brought in a batch of fruits. The apples are 910 kg more than pears. The weight of apples is 1.7 times that of pears. How many kg are apples and pears? (solved by equation)

If the pear has x kg, the apple has 1.7x kg. According to the meaning of the title: & nbsp; & nbsp; 1.7x-x = 910, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.7x = 910, 0.7x △ 0.7 = 910 △ 0.7, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 1300, 1.7x = 1.7 × 1300 = 2210 (kg