The original 120 tons of apples in the fruit market are limited to 9 tons by one truck at a time. It has been transported five times. How many times can the rest be transported at least?

The original 120 tons of apples in the fruit market are limited to 9 tons by one truck at a time. It has been transported five times. How many times can the rest be transported at least?

(120-9 × 5) △ 9, = (120-45) △ 9, = 75 △ 9, = 8 (Times) 3 (tons), 8 + 1 = 9 (Times), a: the rest need at least 9 times to transport

The fruit company purchased 32 tons of apples. First, 12 tons of apples were transported, and the rest were transported by 5-ton trucks. How many trucks would it take to complete the transportation at one time?


How many days will it take to transport a batch of goods by car? How many days will it take to transport 1 / 4 of this batch of goods every day? How many days will it take to transport 2 / 7 of this batch of goods every day?
2. 5 / 3 tons of soybean can squeeze 3 / 16 tons of oil
(1) How many tons of oil can be squeezed per ton of soybean on average? (2) according to this calculation, how many tons of soybean is needed to squeeze one ton of oil?

1 △ 1 / 4 = 4 (days)
A: 1 / 4 of this batch of goods can be shipped every day in 4 days
1 △ 2 / 7 = 3.5 (days)
A: 2 / 7 and 3.5 days per day
Five thirds of the soybean can squeeze three sixteenth of the oil
How many tons of oil can be squeezed per ton of soybean?
3 / 16 △ 5 / 3 = 9 / 80 tons
According to this calculation, how many tons of soybean is needed to squeeze a ton of oil?
5 / 3 △ 3 / 16 = 80 / 9 tons

A batch of goods will be transported by a number of 8-ton trucks. If each truck is only loaded with 5 tons, then 10 tons of goods will be left. If each truck is full of 8 tons, then the last truck is not empty and dissatisfied. How many trucks are there?

If there are x cars, we get 8 (x − 1) + 8 > 5x + 108 (x − 1) < 5x + 10, and the solution is 103 < x < 6