Use trucks of 5 tons and 2 tons to transport 29 tons of vegetables to the city. If each truck is just full, how many large trucks and small trucks do you use?

Use trucks of 5 tons and 2 tons to transport 29 tons of vegetables to the city. If each truck is just full, how many large trucks and small trucks do you use?

There are three answers to 5x + 2Y = 29. Big trucks must be singular
X = 5, y = 2, big truck 5, and small truck 2
X = 1, y = 12, big truck 1, and small truck 12
X = 3, y = 7, 3 big trucks and 7 small trucks

From a car rental 62 tons of goods to B, large trucks can transport 10 tons each time, the freight is 200 yuan, small trucks can transport 4 tons each time, the freight is 96 yuan, how to rent the most cost-effective? How much do you need to pay the rental fee? To calculate the formula

First of all, the cost of a ton of large trucks is 20, and that of a ton of small trucks is 24, so it must be cost-effective to use large trucks as much as possible. If the large trucks are used for six times and the small trucks are used for the remaining two tons, the freight for the last time is as high as 48
1. Assuming that six large trucks and one small truck are used, the freight is 200 * 6 + 96 = 1296,
2. Suppose 5 times of large trucks and 3 times of small trucks are used, then the freight is 200 * 5 + 96 * 3 = 1288,
So the second is the best

It is known that large trucks can transport 10 tons each time, and the freight is 240 yuan; small trucks can transport 4 tons each time, and the freight is 100 yuan. (1) please design three different car rental schemes, and calculate the total freight of each scheme respectively. (2) please find out the most economical scheme

1) In the first scheme, the freight of 10 tons per time is transported seven times, the first six times is 240 yuan per time, the seventh time is 2 tons 48 yuan (240 / 10 = 24 yuan per ton), the total freight is 1488 yuan
The second plan is to rent a minivan with four tons each time for 16 times. The first 15 times are 100 yuan each time. The 16th time is 50 yuan for 2 tons (100 / 4 = 25 yuan per ton). The total freight is 1550 yuan
In scheme 3, large and small trucks can rent 10 + 4 = 14 tons each time, 240 + 100 = 340 yuan each time, which takes 5 times, of which the fifth time only needs 6 tons of large trucks
Because 62 / 14 = 4, more than 6 tons, 6 tons cost 6 * 24 = 144
Total freight 4 * 340 + 144 = 1504 yuan
2) To sum up, scheme 1 is the most economical

How to rent a car? How much does it cost?
2. Fill 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 into the nine circles in the figure below, so that the ratio of the sum of four numbers on one side to the sum of four numbers on the other side is the largest. What is the ratio?
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At first the picture was wrong,

1: The freight per ton of truck is: 220 yuan / 10 = 22 yuan / ton, the freight per ton of small train is 100 / 4 = 25 yuan / ton, seven cars can't be pulled out, so the six cars are 1320 yuan, the remaining three cars are 300 yuan, a total of 1620 yuan is the most cost-effective. 2: if you have 10 circles and 9 circles in the picture, you should have one circle less at the bottom, and the minimum number of four is 1, 2, 3, 4