How to rent a car to transport 62 tons of goods from the first place to the second place? A large truck can transport 10 tons each time, and the freight is 200 yuan; a small truck can transport 4 tons each time, and the freight is 95 yuan. How is the best way to rent a car? How much is the rental fee?

How to rent a car to transport 62 tons of goods from the first place to the second place? A large truck can transport 10 tons each time, and the freight is 200 yuan; a small truck can transport 4 tons each time, and the freight is 95 yuan. How is the best way to rent a car? How much is the rental fee?

Freight per ton of large trucks: 200 / 10 = 20 yuan / ton
The freight per ton of small train is: 95 / 4 = 23.75 yuan / ton
Therefore, large trucks should be used as far as possible
At most, six large trucks can be used to transport 60 tons. A small truck with the remaining 2 tons is enough. The cost: 200 * 6 + 95 = 1295 yuan
As there is space left, it is necessary to consider whether five large trucks will be more cost-effective
Five large trucks can transport 50 tons, the remaining 12 tons, need three small trucks, cost: 200 * 5 + 95 * 3 = 1285 yuan
As there is no space left, it is impossible to save any more
So the best plan is 5 trucks, 3 vans, cost 1285 yuan
It's over~~

To transport 83 tons of goods from city a to city B, large trucks can transport 20 tons each time, and the freight is 300 yuan. Small trucks can transport 5 tons each time, and the freight is 105 yuan

Four times of 80 tons transportation by large truck is 1200 yuan, and one time of 105 yuan transportation by small truck is 1200 yuan plus 125 yuan, which is equal to 1225 yuan

We need to transport 73 tons of disaster relief materials to the disaster area, 20 tons of large trucks each time, and the freight is 300 yuan, while 5 tons of small trucks each time, and the freight is 95 yuan

Push the cart 20 tons each time, 300 yuan each time, an average of 15 yuan per ton, and the car 19 yuan per time, that is to say, the more you take a taxi, the more you take a taxi, the more you need 1200 yuan. If you want to take a cart three times, the less you need 1185 yuan. Because it is the most cost-effective, so choose the second one

The truck and the car start from the same place and drive along the same road. The truck goes 1.5 hours first, and the car catches up with the truck four hours later. If the car travels an extra 5 kilometers per hour, it catches up with the truck three hours after starting. Q: how many kilometers per hour does the car actually travel?

The speed of a truck is the same as that of a car: 4: (1.5 + 4), = 4 + 5.5, = 811; a car actually travels 55 kilometers per hour