It is known that a × 3 and 7 / 3-11 / 12 × B = C, and that a, B and C are not equal to 0?

It is known that a × 3 and 7 / 3-11 / 12 × B = C, and that a, B and C are not equal to 0?

It is known that a × 3 and 7 / 3 = 11 / 12 × B = C, and a, B, C are not equal to 0,
The three numbers a, B and C are arranged from small to large in the order of A

It is known that a is not equal to 0, and a * 7 / 3 = b * 5 / 3 = C / 125% = D / 7 / 9 = e * 90%
Of the five numbers, which is the largest and which is the smallest

∵ a * 7 / 3 = b * 5 / 3 = C / 125% = D / 7 / 9 = e * 90%

It is known that a × 3 / 4 = 11 / 12 × B = C, and a, B, C are not equal to 0. Arrange a, B, C in the order from large to small, and explain the reason for the arrangement

That is, a × 3 / 4 = 11 / 12 × B = C × 1
Because 3 / 4C

A is a number that is not equal to 0. Which is bigger, a + three fifths and a * three fifths?
I know it's a plus three fifths, but I don't know why. Although my answer is Wang Dao, I really don't know this question. Please help me
Gods, I'm in a hurry. I need an answer in ten minutes

If a ≥ 1, then a + three fifths > A, a * three fifths < a;
If a < 1 is not equal to 0, then a + three fifths > A and a * three fifths < a
Therefore, when a ≠ 0, three fifths of a + is greater than three fifths of a *
(a positive number that is not zero, multiplied by a decimal is a true fraction, and the product is smaller than the original positive number)

The number whose reciprocal equals itself is 1 if So In the form of,

If the reciprocal of a number equals itself, then the number is 1

The reciprocal of a number is equal to itself
A. Greater than 1b. Equal to 1C. Less than 1D. Cannot be determined

If the reciprocal of a number is equal to itself, then the number is 1

If the reciprocal of a is greater than the reciprocal of B, then a () B
A. Greater than B. less than C. equal to

If the reciprocal of a is greater than that of B, then a is less than B

If two reciprocal numbers divide each other, the quotient is equal to 1. Is that right
Such as the title

It should be the multiplication of two reciprocal numbers. The product is equal to 1,
Or two numbers that are opposite to each other are divided (non-zero numbers), and the quotient is - 1

The quotient of two reciprocal numbers is 4 / 49. What is the sum of these two numbers?

Let one of them be less than zero, then the other is 1 / X,
Then x / (1 / x) = 4 / 49
So x ^ 2 = 4 / 49
So x = 2 / 7 or - 2 / 7
So 1 / x = 7 / 2 or - 7 / 2
Get their sum: 53 / 14 or - 53 / 14

What is the quotient of a number divided by its reciprocal?

For example, in addition to the reciprocal of 1, the quotient of 1.2 is 4.3 is 9, and so on. Let this number be x, and the quotient is x * X