The difference between the product of two internal terms minus the product of two external terms in a proportion is zero______ (judge right or wrong)

The difference between the product of two internal terms minus the product of two external terms in a proportion is zero______ (judge right or wrong)

Because in proportion, the product of two internal terms equals the product of two external terms, so the difference between the product of two internal terms and the product of two external terms is 0

In the two numbers 13 and 52, [] can be divided by [], [] is a divisor of [], and [] is a multiple of []

In the two numbers of 13 and 52, [52] can be divided by [13], [13] is a divisor of [52], and [52] is a multiple of [13]

In a scale, the product of two external terms is 30. It is known that one internal term is 10 and the other internal term is?

Because in a proportion, the product of two external terms is 30, so the product of two internal terms is also 30, one of which is 10, the other is 30 △ 10 = 3; a: the other is 3

The numbers 13 and 52 are divisible by (), so () is a factor of () and () is a multiple of ()

13 and 52 are divisible by (13), so (13) is a factor of (52) and (52) is a multiple of (13)

In proportion, if the product of two internal terms is 30 and one external term is 2, then the other external term is 15
2. The four numbers can make up the proportion
3. The scale of 0 10 20 30 meters indicates that the actual distance is 3000 times of the distance on the map

1. Yes, the product of internal terms = the product of external terms
2. Yes, 0.3:0.9 = 0.5:1.5
3. Wrong, it should be 1000 times

There are three numbers. They all have divisor 2. They are all multiples of 3 and can be divided by 7. Their sum is 144. What are the three numbers?
There are three schools. They all have divisor 2. They are all multiples of 3 and can be divided by 7. Their sum is 144. What are the three numbers?

According to the requirements of the question, this number is a multiple of 2, 3 and 7, and the minimum is 42. In this case, the sum of three numbers is 144, which does not exist

In a proportion, if two inner terms are reciprocal to each other, then the product of two outer terms is ()


There are three numbers, all of which have divisor 2. They are all multiples of three and can be divided by seven. Their sum is 144. What are the three numbers?

There are no three numbers
If so, the sum of them should be divisible by 2,3,7, but 144 cannot be divisible by 7
If the last condition is removed, the three minimum numbers are 42, 84 and 126 respectively

What is the minimum number that can be divisible by 2, a multiple of 3, and a number about 5?

It can be divided by 2, it is a multiple of 3, and it can be divided by 5. The minimum is 30

A number can be divided by 6 and is a multiple of 3, but there is no factor 2. This number is
It's like 3 divided by six gets 0.3 × 1 gets 3, 3 divided by 2 = 1,

A number can be divided by 6 and is a multiple of 3, but there is no factor 2. The number is 3