Is the result of multiplying six negative numbers negative or positive?

Is the result of multiplying six negative numbers negative or positive?

Positive number
Negative is positive, as long as it is an even number, the result of multiplication (or division) of negative numbers is positive
If it is an odd number, the result of multiplication (or division) of negative numbers is negative

Several negative numbers multiply to get a positive number. Several negative numbers multiply to get a negative number

Even negative numbers multiply to get positive numbers and odd negative numbers multiply to get negative numbers

Is a minus integer equal to a minus or an integer
For example: 13 degrees minus 5 degrees
Please be careful.........

Positive negative = positive
The addition and subtraction rules of positive and negative numbers are: subtracting two numbers with the same sign equals to subtracting their absolute values, subtracting two numbers with different signs equals to adding their absolute values. Subtracting positive numbers from zero equals to negative numbers, subtracting negative numbers from zero equals to positive numbers. Adding two numbers with different signs equals to subtracting their absolute values, and adding two numbers with the same sign equals to adding their absolute values. Adding positive numbers to zero equals to positive numbers, and adding negative numbers to zero equals to negative numbers
|- 2 | is read as the absolute value of - 2
The absolute value of a positive number is itself, the absolute value of a negative number is its opposite, and the absolute value is a non negative number ≥ 0
If | - 2 | = 2

The following statement is correct: subtracting two negative numbers of a is equal to subtracting the absolute value. The difference between two negative numbers of B must be greater than zero. Subtracting negative numbers from positive numbers of C is actually the result of subtracting two positive numbers

A subtracting two negative numbers is equal to the absolute value of each other and then adding
B the result of the difference between two negative numbers is the same as that of the difference between two positive numbers
C positive minus negative, the result must be positive