The difference between a number and 3 is 117. Find the number

The difference between a number and 3 is 117. Find the number

Let a number be X
120-3 = 117

50% of a number is 0.62 less than 4.38

(4.38-0.62) △ 50%, = 3.76 × 2, = 7.52; answer: this number is 7.52

A number plus 50% of it is 7.5?

7.5 △ 1.5, = 5; a: the number is 5

A number plus 50% of it is equal to 7.5. What's the difference between this number? 50 minus 50% of it

A number plus 50% of it is equal to 7.5?
50 minus 50%, what's the difference?