What is the sum of 5 / 3 and 19 / 21? How much less is 5 / 8 of 2.12 than 2 / 3 of 21? There are seven fourths behind the and

What is the sum of 5 / 3 and 19 / 21? How much less is 5 / 8 of 2.12 than 2 / 3 of 21? There are seven fourths behind the and


How much is 2 / 3 of 1 / 2? How much is 2 / 5 of 5 / 6 of 24? How much is 1 / 5 of 15 less than 4 / 5 of 15?
How much less is 1 in 13 of 26 than 7 in 11 of 121?

1 / 2 × 2 / 3 = 1 / 3; 24 × 5 / 6 × 2 / 5 = 8; 15 × 1 / 5-15 × 4 / 5 = - 9 less than 9; 26 × 1 / 13-121 × 7 / 11 = - 75 less than 75

Formula calculation: ① 23 of a number is 60, what is 79 of the number? ② 13 times of a number is equal to 57 of 45, find the number

① A: this number is 70. ② let this number be x; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 13X = 45 × 57 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 13X = 4713x △ 13 = 47 △ 13 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 127. A: this number is 127

Xinxin business service company charges 3% service fee for selling goods for customers and 2% service fee for purchasing goods on behalf of customers. Today, a customer entrusts the company to sell some self-made goods and purchase new equipment on behalf of customers. It is known that the company has deducted 264 yuan of customer service fee. The customer just wants to make ends meet. How much has the new equipment cost?

From the analysis, it can be concluded that: the price of goods sold is × 3% + the price of equipment purchased is × 2% = 264; that is, the price of equipment purchased is 10297 × 3% + the price of equipment purchased is × 2% = 264264 △ (10297 × 3% + 2%) = 5121.6 yuan; a: the price of equipment purchased is 5121.6 yuan