Number multiplication learning is equal to the number of number words: number () word () learning ()

Number multiplication learning is equal to the number of number words: number () word () learning ()

(11 × number) × (11 × learning) = 121 × number of words. 55 × 99 = 5445?

If you add a percentage sign to a number, the number will be reduced by 29.7______ .

29.7 ÷ (1-1%), = 29.7 ÷ 0.99, = 30; answer: the number is originally 30; so the answer is: 30

Add a percentage sign to a number, and the number will be reduced by 7.92?


If you add a percentage sign to a number, it will be 10.89 less than the original number. What was the original number?

Let this number be X,
Then x-x / 100 = 10.89