Water, beer, milk, soy sauce which belongs to the pure? What is the definition of slow oxidation? Which of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide or nitrogen is allowed to emit into the air? What substance consumes oxygen in the bulb to protect tungsten wire?

Water, beer, milk, soy sauce which belongs to the pure? What is the definition of slow oxidation? Which of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide or nitrogen is allowed to emit into the air? What substance consumes oxygen in the bulb to protect tungsten wire?

Water is pure
Dust is a kind of slow oxidation, and the slow oxidation is called slow oxidation (see chemistry in Grade 9, P76 - Science Press for details)
Nitrogen (carbon monoxide is toxic, carbon dioxide emissions will produce greenhouse effect, sulfur dioxide emissions will form acid rain)
Red phosphorus 4P + 5o2 = 2p2o5

Compare the density of milk, soy sauce, blended oil, Baijiu, fruit juice and water.

a packet of ordinary milk is usually 250g, usually 243ml, then we can calculate that 250/243, that is, about 1.0288 of the soy sauce 1.15 of the density of the blend oil is 0.92 water 1 juice 1.03 ~ 1.10 Baijiu is about 0.8-0.9 itself compare it, so the oil will float on the liquid.

The following is not a solution is a mineral water B milk C coke D Sprite, many students say choose B, but I chose a, in the end choose what?

Definition of solution: a homogeneous, stable mixture of one or more substances dispersed in another in the form of molecules or ions
Do you understand

Mineral water, Sprite, cola, soda and other drinks are popular summer drinks in every household. What's wrong with language?

Sprite, coke and soda are subordinate relations, which belong to semantic repetition or common sense mistakes