A person can buy mineral water with ten yuan, one yuan for a bottle, and three empty bottles can be exchanged for another. How many bottles can this person drink?

A person can buy mineral water with ten yuan, one yuan for a bottle, and three empty bottles can be exchanged for another. How many bottles can this person drink?

After buying all ten, you can change the remaining ten empty bottles for three and one empty bottle. After drinking all three, you can leave three empty bottles, and then go to change one bottle. After drinking, you can leave one empty bottle, plus the previous one, there are two empty bottles in total. At this time, go to the seller to borrow one full bottle. After drinking, you can change the remaining three empty bottles for one bottle and give it back to him. In this way, he can drink 15 bottles in total

On May 1, 2009, Xiaohua, Xiaoying and Xiaoming went to the supermarket to investigate the sales of Nongfu spring. Xiaoying: today, the sales of mineral water in the supermarket is 360 yuan
Xiaohua: all the mineral water sold in the supermarket today is 20% off
Xiao Ming: the price of mineral water sold in supermarkets today is 1 yuan per bottle, and the profit margin is 20%
1. How much is the price of each bottle of mineral water in the supermarket
2. How many bottles of Kuang spring water are sold in the supermarket today

According to the title, the purchase price of mineral water is 1 yuan / bottle, and the profit is 20%, that is, 0.2 yuan,
The actual price of each bottle is 1.2 yuan
However, if the actual price is 20% off, the original price should be 1.2 / (80%) = 1.5 yuan
The total sales is 360 yuan
Then the actual number of bottles sold = 360 / 1.2 = 300