As shown in the figure, a and B practice running on the circular track. It is known that a circle of the circular track is 400 meters long, and B runs 6 meters per second. A's speed is 43 times faster than B's. (1) if a and B start in the opposite direction at the same time at a distance of 8 meters on the track, how many seconds will it take for them to meet for the first time? (2) If a starts in the same direction 8 meters in front of B, how many seconds will it take for them to meet for the first time?

As shown in the figure, a and B practice running on the circular track. It is known that a circle of the circular track is 400 meters long, and B runs 6 meters per second. A's speed is 43 times faster than B's. (1) if a and B start in the opposite direction at the same time at a distance of 8 meters on the track, how many seconds will it take for them to meet for the first time? (2) If a starts in the same direction 8 meters in front of B, how many seconds will it take for them to meet for the first time?

(1) Let a and B meet for the first time in x seconds, then 6 × 43x + 6x = 400-8, and the solution is x = 28. A: after 28 seconds, a and B meet for the first time. (2) let a and B meet for the first time in Y seconds, then 6 × 43y = 6y + 400-8, and the solution is y = 196. A: after 196 seconds, a and B meet for the first time

Xiao Li and Xiao Ming practice running on the 400 meter circular track. If they run in reverse from the same starting point at the same time, they will meet for the first time in 48 seconds


Xiaojie and Xiaoli practice running and race walking on the 400m circular track respectively. The ratio of Xiaojie's speed to Xiaoli's speed is 8:3. They both start from the same starting point in the same direction at the same time
Set out, meet in 2 minutes, ask Xiao Jie how fast is it?

Let's suppose that the distance of the first encounter is 8 x 3 X
8x-3x=400 x=80
Xiaojie Road 8 × 80 = 640
Speed 640 / 2 = 320 m / min

Xiao Jie and Xiao Li practice running and race walking on the 400 meter circular track respectively. If they start from the same starting point in the same direction at the same time, Xiao Jie and Xiao Li will meet for the first time in 2 minutes; if they start from the same starting point in the opposite direction at the same time, they will meet for the first time in 1011 minutes. How many meters / minute are Xiao Jie's running speed and Xiao Li's race walking speed

Let Xiao Jie's speed be x m / min per hour, then Xiao Li's speed is 400-1011x1011 M / min. according to the meaning of the question, we get 2 (400-1011x1011-x) = 400, and the solution is: x = 120, so 400-1011x1011 = 320 (M / min). A: Xiao Jie's speed is 320 m / min, Xiao Li's speed is 120 M