When a goes from a to B, it's 48 kilometers per hour. When he comes back, it's 56 kilometers per hour. When he comes back, it's one hour less than when he went. Q: what's the distance between a and B? (no equation)

When a goes from a to B, it's 48 kilometers per hour. When he comes back, it's 56 kilometers per hour. When he comes back, it's one hour less than when he went. Q: what's the distance between a and B? (no equation)

48 × 1 △ (56 - 48) = 6 hours return time
56 × 6 = 336 (km) AB distance between two places

There are four circles in a row. There are three rows in total. The first circle in the first row is 1, and the fourth circle in the third row is 9. Please fill in the remaining numbers of 1-12 in the circle, so that the four numbers of each small square add up to 25. How to fill in?

1 12 4 11
5 7 2 8
3 10 6 9

When you subtract 2487 from a number, when you calculate carelessly, you change the number in the hundreds and tens of the subtracted number by mistake. The result is 8439. The correct number should be______ .

8439 + 2487 = 10926, the correct divisor should be 1029610296-2487 = 7809, a: the correct result should be 7809

The images of positive scale function y = KX and inverse scale function y = KX intersect at two different points a and B. It is known that the abscissa of point a is 1 and the ordinate of point B is - 3. (1) find the coordinates of two points a and B; (2) write out the expressions of these two functions

(1) ∵ the abscissa of point a is 1, the ordinate of point B is - 3, ∵ point a is in the first quadrant, point B is in the third quadrant, ∵ k > 0, the ordinate of point B is - 3, which is substituted into the analytic formula of the two functions respectively, and the result is KX = - 3kx = - 3, and the solution is x = ± 1 (rounding off the positive sign), ∵ k = 3 The analytic expressions of the two functions are y = 3x and y = 3x respectively