The ticket price for group purchase of park tickets is as follows: 13 yuan for 50 people, 11 yuan for 51 ~ 100 people, 9 yuan for more than 100 people. There are two tour groups A and B. It is known that the number of group A is less than 50, and the number of group B is no more than 100. If the tickets are purchased separately, the total price for the two groups is 1392 yuan. If they are purchased together as a group, the total price is 1080 yuan. (1) please judge whether the number of group B is less than 50;

The ticket price for group purchase of park tickets is as follows: 13 yuan for 50 people, 11 yuan for 51 ~ 100 people, 9 yuan for more than 100 people. There are two tour groups A and B. It is known that the number of group A is less than 50, and the number of group B is no more than 100. If the tickets are purchased separately, the total price for the two groups is 1392 yuan. If they are purchased together as a group, the total price is 1080 yuan. (1) please judge whether the number of group B is less than 50;

If the number of group B is less than 50, the ticket price of group B is 13 yuan, which is not consistent with 1392 yuan
Therefore, group B will not be less than 50 people

In a park, each individual ticket is 5 yuan for one person. Each group ticket is 30 yuan for no more than 10 people. 10% discount will be given if you buy 10 or more group tickets. For a unit's autumn outing, the money originally prepared is just enough for 145 people's tickets, but two more people are added temporarily. Each of the two people brings m yuan. As a result, 147 people can just enter the park, so the value of M is 0______ .

5 people need 30 × (1-10%) = 30 × 0.9 = 27 (yuan) 5 people need 25 (yuan) 7 people need 30 × (1-10%) = 30 × 0.9 = 27 (yuan) 7 people need 35 (yuan) 7 people can buy group ticket (27-25) △ 2 = 2 △ 2 = 1 (yuan) answer: the value of M is 1 yuan. So the answer is: 1 yuan

There are only two kinds of tickets for the park: 5 yuan for each individual, 30 yuan for each group ticket for 10 people, and 10% discount for more than 10 group tickets. There are 208 people going to the park in the school. How much will they pay at least?

Method 1: 208 △ 10 ≈ 21 (sheets); buy 21 group tickets: 21 > 10, (21 × 30) × (1-10%) = 630 × 90% = 567 (yuan); method 2: 200 △ 10 = 20 (sheets); buy 20 group tickets and 8 individual tickets: (20 × 30) × (1-10%) = 600 × 90% = 540 (yuan); 8 × 5 = 40 (yuan); 540 + 40 = 580 (yuan); 567 < 580; answer: buy 21 group tickets is the most economical, pay 567 at least Yuan

There are only two kinds of tickets available in Gongyuan: 5 yuan for each individual ticket and 30 yuan for each group ticket for 10 people. If you buy more than 10 group tickets, you can get a 10% discount. (1) how much should 45 people in unit a pay for the tickets according to the above regulations? (2) Unit B 208 people visit the park, according to the above provisions to buy tickets, at least how much money to pay?

(1) 45 △ 10 = 4 (sheets) 4 × 30 + 5 × 5 = 120 + 25 = 145 yuan; answer: at least 145 yuan. (2) 208 / 10 = 20 8 (people) 8 people buy a group ticket more preferential, then the number of group tickets needed is: 20 + 1 = 21 (pieces) 21