On the right is a schematic diagram of a beverage bottle. The volume of the bottle is 625 ml, which contains some drinks. When the bottle is placed upright, the height of the drink is 10 cm. When the bottle is placed upside down, the height of the spare part is 2.5 cm

On the right is a schematic diagram of a beverage bottle. The volume of the bottle is 625 ml, which contains some drinks. When the bottle is placed upright, the height of the drink is 10 cm. When the bottle is placed upside down, the height of the spare part is 2.5 cm

This is simple. 2.5cm is the spare part of the bottle when it is placed upright, that is, the height of the drink when it is placed upside down is four times of the spare part when it is placed upright. The drink in the bottle is 625 divided by the rest (10 + 2.5), and the remaining 10 equals 500

A kind of cylindrical beverage bottle box, the ground diameter is 6cm, the height is 12cm, to put its side and top all around the trademark, paper calculate the area of each trademark paper?
What's its volume?

Area of trademark paper = 3.14 × 6 × 12 = 254.34 cm;
Volume = 3.14 × (6 ÷ 2) & # 178; × 12 = 339.12 CM & # 179;
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The shape of a beverage can is cylindrical, the bottom diameter is 6.5cm, and the height is 11cm. Put 24 cans of this beverage into the box according to the way shown in the figure. What is the length, width and height of the box at least?

6.5 × 4 = 26 (CM); 6.5 × 6 = 39 (CM); a: this box is 26 cm long, 39 cm wide and at least 11 cm high

There is a kind of beverage bottle whose body is cylindrical (excluding bottle neck) and its volume is 4 liters. There are some drinks in the bottle (as shown in the figure). The height of the drink is 20 cm when it is placed upright, and the spare part is 5 cm when it is placed upside down

Because the volume of the drink is constant, and the volume of the spare part in the bottle is also constant, so the volume of the drink is 4 times of the volume of the spare part: 20 △ 5, then the volume of the drink is 44 + 1 = 45, the volume of the drink is 4 × 45 = 3.2 (L); a: the volume of the drink in the bottle is 3.2 L