The distance between a and B is 504km. A car drives from a to B in 6 hours. At this speed, it takes several hours to reach B (solve by proportion)

The distance between a and B is 504km. A car drives from a to B in 6 hours. At this speed, it takes several hours to reach B (solve by proportion)

If it takes x hours to reach B, then
So it takes nine hours to get to B

The distance between a and B is 504km. A car drives from a to B in 6 hours. How many hours will it take to reach B at this speed? (solve by proportion)

Suppose it takes another x hours to get to B. 34:6 = (1-34): X & nbsp; 34x = 6 × 14, & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 2; a: it takes another 2 hours to get to B

The distance between a and B is 504km. A car takes three fourths of the whole journey from a to B in six hours. How many hours does it take?

Solution 1: the car runs 504km × three fourths = 378km in 6 hours, the speed is 63km / h, and the whole journey is 504 △ 63 = 8h
Solution 2: it takes 6 hours for three-quarters of the whole journey, so it takes 2 hours for one-quarter of the journey, and 6 + 2 = 8 hours for the whole journey

It takes two hours for a car to drive from a to B, and four hours for a truck to drive from B to a. the two cars start from two places at 8:30 a.m., and meet each other on the way after a few hours? When and when did you meet?

1 △ (12 + 14) = 1 △ 34 = 1 × 43 = 113 (hours); 113 hours = 1 hour and 20 minutes; 8:30 + 1:20 = 9:50 minutes; a: after 113 hours, we met on the way, and it was 9:50 minutes

The Steyr truck starts from the first place and the Xiali car starts from the second place at the same time. They meet in 4 hours. At this time, the car is 240 kilometers away from the first place and the truck is 480 kilometers away from the second place. At this speed, how many hours does it take for the car to complete the whole journey?

(240 + 480) △ 4, = 720 △ 120, = 6 hours; answer: it takes 6 hours for the car to complete the whole journey

The car travels 75 kilometers per hour, the train 50 kilometers per hour, and the car arrives at the second place 10 hours later
Return immediately and meet the truck in a few hours

Ten hours later, the car arrived in the second place
The car runs 10x75 = 750
The train has run 10x50 = 500
A: we'll meet the truck in two hours
If you don't understand, please take it in time. Thank you!

The distance between the two places is 300 km. The bus runs 40 km per hour from place a to place B. one hour later, the truck runs 60 km per hour from place B to place a
Km. How many hours after the truck starts to meet the bus?


It takes five hours for a truck to go from place a to place B, and four hours for a car to go from place B to place A. now the truck starts from place a to place B, and the car starts from place B to place a half an hour later. How many hours later do the two cars meet?

Half an hour later, car a drove: 1 / 5x1 / 2 = 1 / 10
The meeting lasted: (1-1 / 10) / (1 / 5 + 1 / 4) = 2 hours
Two hours later, the two cars met

1. A car from a station to B station, 52.5 kilometers per hour, 2 hours to arrive, than from B station back to a station takes 0.5 hours
Average speed of return
2. Li Ming's average score in the first five tests of this semester is 76. He thinks that after the next test, the average score in six tests will not be less than 78. How many points does he need in the sixth test at least

1. Seek the distance first
Then it's time to go back
2 + 0.5 = 2.5 hours
Then there's the speed back
105 △ 2.5 = 42km / h
Is your topic the average speed of round trip or just the speed of return
(if it is the average speed of the round trip, then it should be added in the end)
(52.5 + 42) △ 2 = 47.25km/h

The two vehicles run from the two places at the same time. Car a runs 48 kilometers per hour and car B runs 52 kilometers per hour. After 4.5 hours, the distance between the two vehicles is 50 kilometers
How many kilometers is the distance between them?
