The length of train a and train B are 144m and 180m respectively. Train a runs 4m more per second than train B. the two trains run in opposite directions, and it takes 9 seconds for the heavy phase to stagger completely, It's better to use the equation. It's urgent. It should be used before 20 o'clock on November 28,

The length of train a and train B are 144m and 180m respectively. Train a runs 4m more per second than train B. the two trains run in opposite directions, and it takes 9 seconds for the heavy phase to stagger completely, It's better to use the equation. It's urgent. It should be used before 20 o'clock on November 28,

Let the velocity of a be x s / M (x + X + 4) * 9 = 144 + 180, and the solution is x = 16 m / s. B is x + 4 = 20 m / s. A: the velocity of a is 16 m / s, and that of B is 20 m / S

Each train is 180m long. If the two trains run in opposite directions
Each train of a and B is 180m long. If the two trains run in opposite directions, it takes 12s from the front of the train to the rear of the train. If the two trains run in the same direction, it takes 60s from the front of a to the rear of B until the rear of a exceeds the front of B. assuming that the speed of the train remains the same, try to find the speed of a and B

Let a's velocity be x and B's velocity be y
X=18 Y=12

On a section of double track railway, two trains pass head-on. The speed of train a is 20 m / s, and that of train B is 25 m / s. The total length of train a is 200 m, and that of train B is 200 m
With a total length of 160 meters, how many seconds does it take for two trains to cross each other?

8 seconds

On a section of double track railway, two cars pass head-on. The speed of train a is 20 meters per second, and that of train B is 25 meters per second. If the total length of train a is 200 meters, and that of train B is 160 kilometers, how many seconds does it take for a train to miss?

Is it a practical problem?
200 △ 20 = 10 (seconds) a vehicle time
160 ÷ 25 = 6.4 (seconds) B time required for vehicle
10-6.4 = 3.6 (seconds) miss time
A: the wrong time of two trains is 3.6 seconds
(personal opinion, give points, no plagiarism!)