Uncle Wang traveled 100 kilometers two hours before he drove from a to B. It took three hours from a to B. how far is the distance between a and B?

Uncle Wang traveled 100 kilometers two hours before he drove from a to B. It took three hours from a to B. how far is the distance between a and B?

If he drives at an average speed, he drives at a speed of 50 km / h, which takes three hours and 150 km in total

From place a to place B, freight cars travel 60km per hour, and passenger cars arrive at 10 o'clock. Now freight cars and passenger cars leave from two places at the same time, and travel in opposite directions. If the distance ratio of freight cars and passenger cars is 3:5 when they meet, how far is the distance between two places?

60 × 5 / 3 × 10 = 100 × 10 = 1000 km

The distance between Party A and Party B is 309 km. After 1.5 o'clock when a bus goes from place a to place B, a truck goes from place B to place a. the truck travels 40 km per hour, and the bus stops
The bus travels 42 kilometers per hour. When will the two cars meet?

(309 - 42 x 1.5) / (40 + 42) + 1.5 = 4.5 (hour)
Answer: when the bus is running for 4.5 hours, the latter two cars meet

There is a distance of 500km between a and B. the passenger cars drive from a to B at the speed of 48km per hour, and the freight cars drive from B to a at the speed of 52km per hour
How many hours later will the two cars meet?
How many kilometers did the bus travel when they met?
How many kilometers are the two cars from the terminal when they meet?
How many kilometers are the two cars from B when they meet?

There is a distance of 500km between a and B. the passenger cars drive from a to B at the speed of 48km per hour, and the freight cars drive from B to a at the speed of 52km per hour
How many hours later will the two cars meet?
=5 hours
How many kilometers did the bus travel when they met?
48 × 5 = 240 km
How many kilometers are the two cars from the midpoint when they meet?
How many kilometers are the two cars from B when they meet?
52 × 5 = 260 km