How many kilometers does it take for a car to reach its destination after it travels 7 / 5 of the whole journey from place a to place B at a speed of 45 kilometers per hour?

How many kilometers does it take for a car to reach its destination after it travels 7 / 5 of the whole journey from place a to place B at a speed of 45 kilometers per hour?

45 × 3 = 135 (km)
=54 (km)
A: it will take 54 kilometers for the car to reach its destination

A car at 45 kilometers per hour from a to B, 3 hours a journey of 57, how many kilometers does the car have to travel to reach B?

45 × 3 ÷ 57-45 × 3 = 189-135, = 54 (km). A: it will take 54 km for this car to reach the second place

A car from a to B, 45 kilometers per hour, 65 hours to reach. If the speed is increased by 20%, how many hours to reach?

45 × 65 ^ [45 × (1 + 20%)], = 45 × 65 ^ [45 × 1.2], = 45 × 65 ^ 54, = 1 (hour); answer: you can get there in 1 hour