When a car goes from place a to place B, its speed is 55 km | h and it arrives in 6 hours. When it comes back, it only takes 5 hours to improve its speed. How many kilometers more per hour does it travel when it comes back than when it goes?

When a car goes from place a to place B, its speed is 55 km | h and it arrives in 6 hours. When it comes back, it only takes 5 hours to improve its speed. How many kilometers more per hour does it travel when it comes back than when it goes?

55x6 = 330km
330 △ 5 = 66 km / h
66-55 = 11 km
A: 11 kilometers
Weng Jinwen answers for you,
If it helps you,
If you have any other questions,

It takes 6.5 hours for a car to arrive from place a to place B, increasing its original speed by 20%?

6.5 × (1 + 20%) = 7.8, so we plan to arrive in 7.8 hours
I hope my answer can help you

If the speed of a car is increased by 25%, the time will be shortened by ()%

Suppose the speed is V, the time is t, and the time is shortened by X
The solution is x = 20%