In a map of China, the distance between Nanjing and Beijing is 5cm, which means 1000km of the actual distance

In a map of China, the distance between Nanjing and Beijing is 5cm, which means 1000km of the actual distance

1000 km = 100000000 cm

The distance between Xiaohong's home and Beijing is 7.5cm measured on a map with a scale of 1:4000000. How many hours does it take him to get from home to Beijing by a car with a speed of 60km / h?

Suppose he takes x hours from home to Beijing by a car with a speed of 60km / h
A: it takes him 5 hours to get from home to Beijing by car with a speed of 60km / h
P. S.: haha, I'm in grade six, too

If the distance between Beijing and Shanghai is 3.5cm on a 1:40000000 map, how many kilometers is the actual distance between Beijing and Shanghai?
On a map, a 3cm line segment is used to represent the actual distance of 600km. On this map, the distance between a and B is 4.5cm. How many kilometers is the actual distance between a and B?
Please explain to me, because I was ill and didn't go to school,

The first question: 1:40000000 = 3.5: X, x = 3.5 * 40000000cm, calculate by yourself
Second question: 3cm: 600km = 4.5cm: XKM, x = 900km