One ship has a deadweight of 520 tons and a cargo hold volume of 2000 cubic meters. Now it is carrying two kinds of goods, Party A and Party B, with a cargo volume of 2 cubic meters per ton, Now we are shipping two kinds of goods, one is 2 cubic meters per ton, and the other is 8 cubic meters per ton. How many tons of the two kinds of goods can we make the best use of the ship's carrying capacity and carrying capacity

One ship has a deadweight of 520 tons and a cargo hold volume of 2000 cubic meters. Now it is carrying two kinds of goods, Party A and Party B, with a cargo volume of 2 cubic meters per ton, Now we are shipping two kinds of goods, one is 2 cubic meters per ton, and the other is 8 cubic meters per ton. How many tons of the two kinds of goods can we make the best use of the ship's carrying capacity and carrying capacity

Set a x tons, B 520-x tons
360 tons for Party A and 160 tons for Party B

Mathematical problem? A ship with a carrying capacity of 460 tons and a capacity of 1000 cubic meters
A ship with a deadweight of 460 tons and a capacity of 1000 cubic meters has 450 cubic meters of class a cargo and 350 tons of class B cargo. If the capacity of class a cargo is 2.5 cubic meters per ton and the weight of class B cargo is 0.5 tons per cubic meter, please explain the reason

Weight of type a goods = 450 / 2.5 = 180 tons
Volume of type B goods = 350 / 0.5 = 700m3
Total volume of Party A and Party B = 450 + 700 = 1150 m3 > 1000 m3
So it can't be put on the boat

After delivery, Party A and Party B will sail East and west respectively. At 12 o'clock, Party A will sail 10 nautical miles, and Party B will sail 8 nautical miles. Write down the itinerary of the two ships on the number axis
After delivery at a, the two freighters, a and B, sailed to the East and west respectively. After 12 o'clock, a sailed 10 nautical miles, while B sailed 8 nautical miles. The two ships' journey was shown on the number axis, and the distance between them was calculated

The answer is 18