The main component of coal is carbon. Why is the coal ash left after burning in the air much lighter than coal?

The main component of coal is carbon. Why is the coal ash left after burning in the air much lighter than coal?

Because carbon turns into carbon dioxide and flies away, leaving only ash,
Of course, it's light

The main component of coal is carbon. Why is the mass of coal ash left after burning in air much lighter than that of coal

Some of the carbon reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, which escapes into the air and causes light weight. If carefully considered, a small amount of sulfur and other combustible materials will burn

There are 13 tons of apples, 2 tons and 3 tons of trucks, and the freight is 140 yuan and 200 yuan respectively. How to arrange the cost of vehicles at least? What are the five methods

This is the most common method. Considering the price, you will know that 3-ton trucks are 10 yuan cheaper than 2-ton trucks. It's a very simple mathematical problem. 3-ton trucks transport 9 tons and 2-ton trucks transport 2 times. 880 yuan is the cheapest. Of course, there are many methods, but the price is the cheapest

What is the maximum carrying capacity of Toyota Corolla?

400 kg