Divide a batch of parts equally to Party A and Party B for processing at the same time. They work for 5 days and complete 23% of this batch of parts. It is known that the efficiency ratio of Party A and Party B is 5:3. How many days will it take for Party B to complete the assigned task?

Divide a batch of parts equally to Party A and Party B for processing at the same time. They work for 5 days and complete 23% of this batch of parts. It is known that the efficiency ratio of Party A and Party B is 5:3. How many days will it take for Party B to complete the assigned task?

Let B's work efficiency be x, then a's work efficiency is 53x, then: 5x + 5 × 53x = 23 & nbsp; 5x + 253x = 23 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 120 (12-23 × 33 + 5) △ 120 = 14 △ 120 = 5 (days) a: it will take 5 days for B to complete the assigned task

In a batch of projects, Party A and Party B are allowed to work at the same time. Two people work for 5 days to complete 2 / 3 of the batch of projects. It is known that the efficiency of Party A and Party B is 5:3. How much time does party a need

It will take two people to finish the project at the same time
5 divided by 2 / 3 = 7.5 days
What time does a need
7.5 times 3 / 5 = 4.5 days

For a project, Party A and Party B work together for 20 days. It is known that the work efficiency ratio of Party A and Party B is 4:5. How many days do Party A and Party B work alone?
Use the formula!

The total amount of "a effect" 4 "and" B effect "5" is "180"

The work efficiency ratio of Party A and Party B is 3:4. After 6 days of cooperation, Party A will work for 10 days. How many days will it take for Party A and Party B to complete the whole project separately?

The total amount of work is 1
Design efficiency x
So the efficiency of B is 4 / 3x
So it takes 24 days for a to do it alone
It takes 24 / 4 * 3 = 18 days for B to do it alone