The length of the railway from Shanghai to Tianjin is 1320 km. A and B trains leave from the two places at the same time. After six hours, the two trains meet. A train runs every hour on average 85km. How many kilometers does car B drive per hour? It is solved by equation.

The length of the railway from Shanghai to Tianjin is 1320 km. A and B trains leave from the two places at the same time. After six hours, the two trains meet. A train runs every hour on average 85km. How many kilometers does car B drive per hour? It is solved by equation.

42 × 4 + 34x = 338 34x + 168-168 = 338-168 34x = 170 34x △ 34 = 170 △ 34 x = 5 A: the apprentice worked for 5 hours. (write the formula vertically)

Two trains run from two places at the same time. Train a runs 82 kilometers per hour and train B 88 kilometers per hour. The two trains meet four hours later
Two trains run from two places at the same time. Train a runs 82 kilometers per hour and train B 88 kilometers per hour. Four hours later, the two trains meet. How many kilometers are there between the two railways

(82 + 88) * 4 = 680km

The railway between station a and station B is 840 km long. The two trains leave from the two stations at the same time. Car a runs 68.5 km per hour and car B 71.5 km per hour. How many hours after the two trains leave, are they 210 km apart?

(840-210) / (68.5 + 71.5) = 4.5 (hours)

The railway from Shanghai to Tianjin is 1392 kilometers long. A and B trains run from two places at the same time. After 8 hours, a train runs 90 kilometers per hour, and B train runs how many kilometers per hour? (use the equation to solve and explain in detail)

If vehicle B travels x kilometers per hour, then: (90 + x) * 8 = 139290 + x = 174, x = 84 km / h
Car B travels 84 kilometers per hour