When a bus runs 80 km at 0.8, the speed of another car is 1.2 times that of this bus. How many km does this car travel per hour?

When a bus runs 80 km at 0.8, the speed of another car is 1.2 times that of this bus. How many km does this car travel per hour?

The car runs 120 kilometers per hour

How many kilometers per hour are cars, ships, trucks, trains, bicycles and airplanes?

What's the average speed of a car? 60 kilometers per hour
Train speed 200km / h
The general speed of the aircraft is 800 ~ 860 km / h
The general speed of maglev train is 500km / h

The speed of a car is 80 km / h. The speed of a car is 35% higher than that of a supersonic plane. How much does a supersonic plane travel per hour

Supersonic aircraft speed = (80-20) * 35 / 2 = 1050 km / h
I wish you progress in your studies,

The fastest speed of a car is 140 kilometers per hour, which is one twentieth of that of a long sonic plane. This supersonic plane flies more than 40 kilometers per hour
