A car from a city to B city, 40 kilometers per hour, 6 hours to B city. Return to 60 kilometers per hour How many hours can we get to city a

A car from a city to B city, 40 kilometers per hour, 6 hours to B city. Return to 60 kilometers per hour How many hours can we get to city a

Solve according to proportion
Set X hours to return
X = 4 hours
Distance = 40x6 = 240km
Time required 240 / 60 = 4 hours

Car a travels 40 kilometers per hour, car B travels 60 kilometers per hour, and the two cars travel from a to B respectively
The two places set out at the same time, facing each other. After meeting for 3 hours, car a arrives at place B. how many kilometers is the distance between AB and ab?

A: B
Speed ratio: 40:60 = 2:3
It shows that the total distance is 2 + 3 = 5 (shares), but when we meet, car a takes 2 shares
2 / 5 = two fifths, which means that car a took two fifths of the whole journey when they met. Then, car a later took 1-two fifths of the whole journey = three fifths
Later: 40 * 3 = 120 (km)
120 / three fifths = 120 * five fifths = 200 (km)
come on.

On the road, a truck is driving at 35 km / h
Nine kilometers behind the truck, a car is catching up at a speed of 50 km / h. how many hours does the car catch up with the truck on the way?
Please use the equation

9 ÷ (50-35) = 0.6 hours

On the road, a bus was driving at the speed of 65 kilometers per hour. 15 kilometers behind him, a car was catching up at the speed of 85 kilometers per hour. A few hours later, the car caught up with the bus

15 ÷ (85-65) = 0.75 hours
After 0.75 hours, the car catches up with the bus