Master Wang processes a batch of parts. He completes 4 / 7 of the plan on the first day and the remaining 60% on the second day. At this time, there are still 42 parts left How many parts does Master Wang plan to produce

Master Wang processes a batch of parts. He completes 4 / 7 of the plan on the first day and the remaining 60% on the second day. At this time, there are still 42 parts left How many parts does Master Wang plan to produce

By solving the equation, we can get x = 245
Master Wang plans to produce 245 parts

Master Wang plans to make a batch of parts. On the first day, he makes 47 of the planned parts, and on the second day, he makes the remaining 35. At this time, there are still 42 parts left. How many parts does Master Wang plan to make?

Mr. Wang plans to make 245 parts