The weight of a and B boxes of apples is equal. The weight ratio of a and B is 5:6 from 8 kg in box a to B. how many kg did a and B weigh?

The weight of a and B boxes of apples is equal. The weight ratio of a and B is 5:6 from 8 kg in box a to B. how many kg did a and B weigh?

Let each of the original x kg, a has X-8 kg, B has x + 8 kg, (X-8) / (x + 8) = 5 / 6, that is, 6 (X-8) = 5 (x + 8)
The solution shows that x is 88, and the original weight of a and B is 88 kg

Mother bought two cases of apples. Box a weighs 15 kg, and Box B weighs 11 kg. Box a costs 6.4 yuan more than box B. if the unit price of two cases of apples is the same, the price of apples per kilogram is the same
With the equation solution, there are equivalent relations!

Li Shuying,
Equivalent relationship: the total price of a box of apples - the total price of B box of apples = 6.4 yuan
Suppose the apple is x yuan per kilogram

Mother bought two cases of apples. Box a weighs 15 kg, and Box B weighs 11 kg. Box a costs 2.4 yuan more than box B. if the unit price of two cases of apples is the same, how many yuan per kg?
There should be solutions, quantity relations and equations

Suppose the unit price of apple is x yuan per kilogram,
Then the price of box a is 15x yuan
The price of B case is 11x yuan
It is known that box a costs 2.4 yuan more than Box B, so there is the following equation
So the unit price of apple is 0.6 yuan per kilogram