Two boxes of apples weigh 180 kg. Take 15 kg from box a and put them into box B. the weight of Box B is three times that of box A. it turns out that there are more apples in each box How many kilos

Two boxes of apples weigh 180 kg. Take 15 kg from box a and put them into box B. the weight of Box B is three times that of box A. it turns out that there are more apples in each box How many kilos

A is 60, B is 120

There are 45 baskets of apples and 30 baskets of peaches in the fruit shop. The weight of 45 baskets of apples is 75 kg more than that of 30 baskets of peaches

Each basket of apples is set at x kg;
From the meaning of the title, we can get the conclusion
A: 25kg of apples per basket

A, B two baskets of fruit a total of 60 kg, if you take 4 kg from a basket to B basket, B basket take 9 kg, the result of a basket is two times that of B basket, each has thousands of apples
It's better to have a formula

In this paper, the inverse method is considered
A: 38 kg for frame a and 22 kg for frame B