The mass ratio of a and B baskets of apples is 5:4. If 20 kg apples are taken out of a basket and put into B basket, the mass ratio of a and B baskets of apples is 1:2 How many kilos of apples did a basket and B basket hold?

The mass ratio of a and B baskets of apples is 5:4. If 20 kg apples are taken out of a basket and put into B basket, the mass ratio of a and B baskets of apples is 1:2 How many kilos of apples did a basket and B basket hold?

The proportion of the original basket: 5 △ 5 + 4 = 5 / 9
Later, the percentage of basket a in the total amount was 1 ÷ (1 + 2) = 1 / 3
There were two baskets of apples in total: 20 (5 / 9-1 / 3) = 90 (kg)
The original packing of apples in a basket: 90 × 5 / (5 + 4) = 50 (kg)
The original packing of apple in basket B is 90 × 4 / (5 + 4) = 40 (kg)

The weight ratio of a and B is 8:5. Take 20 kg out of a basket and put it into B basket. At this time, B basket apples are 4 kg more than a basket apples. How many kg do the two baskets weigh?

Suppose the weight of frame a is 8x kg and that of frame B is 5x kg. From the meaning of the title, we can get 8x-20 = 5x + 20-4, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x = 36, & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 12; weight of frame a: 12 × 8 = 96 (kg); weight of frame B: 5 × 12 = 60 (kg); total weight: 96 + 60 = 156 (kg); answer: the total weight of two baskets of apples is 156 kg

The weight ratio of the two baskets of apples is 5:4. If 20kg is taken out of basket a and put into basket B, then the weight ratio of the two baskets of apples is 1:2. How many kg are each packed?

20 (55 + 4-11 + 2), = 20 × 92, = 90 (kg), 90 × 55 + 4 = 50 (kg), 90 × 45 + 4 = 40 (kg). A: there were 50 kg apples in basket a and 40 kg apples in basket B

The unit price ratio of apple and pear is 5:4, and the weight ratio is 2:3. It costs 16.5 yuan to buy pear and apple. How much does it cost to buy pear and apple?

Apple 16.5 × (5 × 2) / (5 × 2 + 4 × 3)
=7.5 yuan
Pear 16.5-7.5 = 9 yuan